Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Porsche 930 (#9)

This is a shirt I made for mothers day. My mother is Way into porsches and has a few, including the 930 pictured here (her favorite), unfortunately this print didn't align right because I forgot to add the alignment marks. The two she got were perfectly aligned and looked super-badass, but I gave them to her before I snagged photos.  This is a late post from monday :p hopefully i will be able to design the rest today/tomorrow and catch up soon!

chair jousting! (#8)

There is actually a photo I used as a source for this image, if this really needs explanation then it probably isn't for you. Printed 3 tees, some of the small negative spaces filled in :(.  Sorry for posting late, I have been busy other projects, I should be catching up this week, hopefully I will be posting pictures of my other project soon.