Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spas Sausage (#7)

This is a fake product type thing for a friend of mine, the word on the shirt is "spas" not spaB the B is just a sharp s in german, pronounced like a double s in english. The translation is just "fun". I very much liked the shiny sausage for this shirt. Two prints were made although the second one bled a little bit, it was a thinner vinyl mask and Im pretty sure it didn't stick well to the screen.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

WTF Penguin (#6)

This is my penguin, he is kinda confused, that WTF kind of confused, done on a polo, a tee and my girlfriend's purse. I was kinda worried about his lack of pupils, but it came out better without em. Sorry for the late post, I laid on my porch and read a book all day :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sitting Outside (#5)

This was more of a "will it work" shirt, and I like the way it came out. The photo really doesn't show it, but the print is done with the window on the right shoulder and the flood coming across the chest.  Done on two shirts, one blue and one black.

If anyone is wondering how these are being printed please look here. the vinyl cuts are being done courtesy of Steven Tillman at Apogee Signs. He just gets a copy of whatever shirts he likes, and likely will have the most extensive collection of these shirts by the end of the project.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Anarchy Balloon (#4)

The Anarchy Ballon is  kind of a joke, but i have a thing for dirigibles, and the tail was looking kinda plain. and if your wondering about the rather odd anarchy logo, look here. That screwed up punk version is just that, the punk version. Yeah the prop blades are massive, but they didn't print right otherwise. Printed on the back of a single button down shirt.